62 research outputs found

    Elicitation of requirements for innovative visual patent retrieval based on interviews with experts

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    Patent searching is a complex task and is mainly performed by experts in the field. Research shows that the integration of drawings into the search process is considered useful by experts and should therefore play a more important role in patent retrieval. In this study, experts were interviewed to find out when and in what form patent drawings should be integrated into the search process. The study combines qualitative data analysis and techniques from requirements engineering resulting in the context sensitive method called Q-rEx.Analysis. The interviews were analysed with a mixed form of deductive and inductive category formation and combined with standards of patent retrieval systems. Experts want patent drawings to be more integrated in the search process to better analyse the relevance of patents. Therefore, in this study, requirements for innovative visual patent retrieval have been derived from actual user needs. The method presented in this study contributes to transparent and comprehensible user-centred elicitation of requirements regarding innovative visual patent retrieval. Not only the method needs further testing but also the integration of the requirements must be evaluated in additional user research.Peer Reviewe

    Body like an idol: K-pop fitspiration on Tumblr – an analysis of texts and images

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    Eating disorders are a major health issue in societies today which oftentimes remain untreated. In social media, such as Tumblr, people build communities to exchange information and connect to each other using specific hashtags. Some of these trends which emerge around these hashtags, are related to eating disorders. This study in information science addresses how inspiration for fitness (Fitspiration) inspired by music fandom (in particular K-pop) can be characterized on Tumblr by automatically analyzing text and images of posts. Images are evaluated based on their colorfulness and emotional measures, texts undergo a sentiment and readability analysis, as well as an evaluation of their psycho-linguistic features. Furthermore, a qualitative content analysis of K-pop Fitspiration posts (n=119) is performed and they are compared to the K-pop Thinspiration posts, regular Thinspiration and control group posts. Results reveal, that K-pop Fitspiration posts are oftentimes more similar to posts from the control group than to Thinspiration posts, but that they also share psycho-linguistic features with posts of eating disordered users

    Chatten kann jede/r ;-). Integration von informellen Lern- und Kommunikationswegen und Social Software in ein Blended-Learning-Konzept für Lehramtsstudierende im Bereich Englische Kulturwissenschaft

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    Das ELAN (E-Learning Academic Network Niedersachsen) III Projekt CELEB (Content-Entwicklung für die Lehrerbildung im Bereich Englische Kultur und Fachdidaktik unter besonderer Berücksichtigung interaktiv-multimedialer Mehrwerte) zielt auf eine Verbesserung der Lehrqualität durch Ergänzung/ Verschränkung der Präsenzlehre mit zielgruppenspezifischen E-Learning-Modulen ab. Entlastung stark frequentierter obligatorischer Einführungsveranstaltungen, Bündelung der fachwissenschaftlichen Expertise der beteiligten Universitäten und zeit- und ortsunabhängiger Zugang zu den Lernressourcen für Studierende sind weitere Ziele des Projektes. Authentizität und Aktualität erhalten die Inhalte durch multimediale Elemente, kollaborative Wissensgenerierung und Interaktivität. Die Universität Hildesheim bietet im Bereich Cultural Studies nach diesem Blended-Learning-Konzept zwei Kurse an, die ständig ausgebaut und erweitert werden. In beiden Kursen kommt Social Software zum Einsatz, da großer Wert auf kollaborativen Wissenserwerb gelegt wird. Informelle Lern- und Kommunikationswege sollen in diesen Kursen Einbettung in formelle Anerkennungsstrukturen finden. (DIPF/ Orig.

    An evaluation resource for Geographical Information Retrieval

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    In this paper we present an evaluation resource for geographic information retrieval developed within the Cross Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF). The GeoCLEF track is dedicated to the evaluation of geographic information retrieval systems. The resource encompasses more than 600,000 documents, 75 topics so far, and more than 100,000 relevance judgments for these topics. Geographic information retrieval requires an evaluation resource which represents realistic information needs and which is geographically challenging. Some experimental results and analysis are reported

    Implementation and Evaluation of a Virtual Library Shelf for Information Science Content

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    MyShelf is an information system for browsing based on the metaphor of a virtual library shelf. Like a traditional library shelf, it allows the exploration of the neighborhood of a document. Neighborhood represents semantic closeness which usually has many facets. In MyShelf, the ordering system of a shelf can be changed and the collection is reorganized on the fly. As a consequence, different neighbor-hoods of a document can be explored which al-lows the selection of an appropriate cognitive perspective. The user can rely more on the as-sociative nature of browsing in order to solve his vague information needs. An implementa-tion for information science content and its evaluation with user tests is presented

    The Effect of Named Entities on Effectiveness in Cross-Language Information Retrieval Evaluation

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    The large number of experiments carried out within evaluation initiatives for information retrieval has led to an invaluable source for further research and meta-analysis. In this study, an analysis of the results of the Cross Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF) campaigns for the years 2000 to 2003 is presented. This study considers the performance of the systems for each individual topic. It is dedicated to the influence of named entities on retrieval performance. Named entities in topics lead to significant improvement of the retrieval quality in general and for most systems and tasks. The performance of systems varies for topics without, with one or two and with three or more named entities. This knowledge gained by data mining on the evaluation results can be exploited for the improvement of retrieval systems as well as for the design of topics for future CLEF campaigns